Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Some other things that I have been Busy with,

Next Year I Plan on Hitting The Armada Flea Market at least every other Sunday, I have been Making Key chain Hangers with Color Coordinated Carbiners, And will be stock piling some Monkey Fist Keychains and Different dog Leashes and Collars.

I have several other Projects also, Gun Slings, Guitar straps, Bags...

Well, It has been Awhile. So much going on but not a lot happening, I Guess.
   I have been moving back into my shop in my Garage, It is a mess but I am finally making some progress. Main thing now is to get some heat going, fall is here and winter is close by. I have a small wood burner that hopefully when I can get the Smoke Stack up through the roof it should be nice and warm.
  My work space is a disaster and is need of some serious organizing, but it has really been a big difference from my previous room/studio I had.
In between making the mess and cleaning things up, I have managed a few bigger projects. One being a 6 Foot Bullwhip. My first attempt was mediocre. Overall I am pleased with it, it Cracks like nobodies business, And is seriously cool to play with.
I have made a Few collars for Karma, I really like this Purple and Black one, I have not had the time to get back into making collars but this winter should be a good time for that.
